At Sea

‘I lived along the shining sea ~ Was there my true love came to me ~ In dreamy, misty afternoons~ And evenings filled with summer moons…(excerpt from the lyrics of At Sea by Ingrid Jensen)

“It’s you, it’s you. Keep it!!!”- My grade 9 English teacher wrote beneath a poem of mine that recently inspired me to write lyrics for At Sea. Her words of excitement ring loudly in my ears as I listen back to the music on this recording, my first for ArtistShare. As with life, love and learning, come many peaks and valleys, so has my journey been one of joys and pitfalls. More joy, by far, as I grow and embrace my ‘path’, documenting various episodes with music and ideas that evolve out of my many adventures.

Geoffrey Keezer – Piano, Fender Rhodes, Keyboards
Jon Wikan – Drums, Cajón, Palmas, Percussion
Matt Clohesy – Acoustic Bass
Lage Lund – Guitar on Tracks 5 & 8
Hugo Alcázar – Cajón, Batajón, Djembe on Track 7

Engineered by Joe Ferla and Eric Troyer